From Everything
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    1. Books ##

Some books from the depression section might also be helpful. - Scattered minds by Gabor Mate - Die kleine ADHS Sprechstunde: Einführung und Ratgeber für Patienten und Interessierte by Gerrit Scherf - Getting things done by Dave Allen

    1. Videos ##

- [Andrew Huberman on ADHD]( - [Gabor Mate interview]( - [The Importance of Emotion in ADHD by Dr Russell Barkley]( - [How to ADHD Youtube Channel]( - [Wim Hof Breathing]( - [Non Deep Sleep Resting Protocol: Yoga Nidra]( - [Brown noise with rain sounds for focus]( - [Yoga with Adriene](

    1. Communities ##

- [ADHD Tribe Berlin](

    1. Threatments ##

- Pharmacotherapy - [TDCS](

    1. Sites ##

- [Wikipedia on ADHD]( - [ADHD Evidence](

    1. Apps ##

- Sleep cycle - Motion